"Human Made"
Wilson Hall, first floor

Kirstyn Hake
Artist StatementHuman, that was what Art was when I was younger. Art was human emotion, digital or traditional, it didn’t matter, it was a way to get those emotions out. Yet more recently artists have been fearing AI art taking over and losing their chance to bring in money since people can now just type in what they want for such a cheaper price without ever needing to go to an artist. Since then more and more artists watch their own art get stolen by the AI way of learning. At this point the piece has been left in a forever state of Work in Progress in fear that if the artist finishes it that it would just be fed to the AI and all their work would be taken away.
While AI can be handy, the current state of people using it is truly to get around paying for artists since they can get what they want for cheaper. The drama surrounding it goes deep between those who are pro AI and those against it. No matter what people do AI will continue to learn from others art slowly taking away the need for human emotions.